Go Fish

Henrietta looked up from her hand of cards as the entry hatch to the break room clicked, hissed and slid open. She was even more surprised to see a man wearing the sharp white uniform of the security team step through the hatch, it was the middle of the night, wouldn't anyone getting off work … Continue reading Go Fish

Broken Clockwork

This isn't a full story, this is me trying to do some scenery and setting up as practice. Tick, tock, tick, tock. The clockwork ran like, well, clockwork. Giant gears turning forever, high above a world left so far behind that looking out over the ledge was like gazing into the heart of the abyss. … Continue reading Broken Clockwork


Story of a Man is complete, although I'm not totally happy with it. I might take the idea and redo it again at some point in the future with a more fully fleshed out middle and ending.

The Story

So, this thought is related to The Baleful Eye. That story is actually a small chunk of a larger story idea I have, and considering how well that turned out, I'm thinking I might well want to try and do the whole thing eventually as a serial. Thoughts?